Giving Thanks and Looking Forward


has been a fantastic year of opportunity, realization of plans and dreams, challenges of faith, transitions, hope and risk, success and disappointment.   I am extremely grateful!

The Elizabeth Project has had opportunities to explore new outlets to provide support, education and compassion for mothers and families that cause me to stand still in awe and wonder!  What a mighty God, full of compassion, mercy and love, who uses everything committed to Him to accomplish far beyond what we can think or imagine!

Let me share some end of the year joy with you all!

Giving Birth Lamaze Africa trained 26 new childbirth educators this year.  This brings the total  number of educators trained since 2001 to sixty- two .  Each of these educators are prepared to teach the classes  to 8 couples during a course.  These courses are offered 6 times a year (approximately). Potentially we have the current possibility to influence the lives of more than six thousand mothers, babies and families in Kenya each year!!  Multiply your work oh God!

The Breastfeeding Support Program Kenya experienced tremendous growth this year.  We now have 30 trained Breastfeeding Peer Counselors who offer free support by phone for mothers.  We have a new blogspot: where mothers can find resources and help.  A hotline is available and sustained by trained peer counselors in Kenya.   We also now have Kenyan based trainers who can help facilitate more training courses.  Opportunities to offer breastfeeding support meetings in Nairobi slum areas  have already begun!

Breastfeeding Your Baby Lactation Course is now being offered in two hospitals and by six independent lactation specialist.  This course helps prepare mothers and their partners for the breastfeeding experience, providing education and practical problem solving techniques.

The Nacham Program began distribution of bereavement blankets in areas throughout Kenya.  These blankets are given to families who have experienced the loss of a pregnancy or baby.  They carry the message that people care and are praying. Over 100 blankets have been distributed.

Knitted Bonnets for preterm babies was a surprise project!  What a delightful surprise when people responded to a simple request for knitted bonnets for preterm babies in Kenya.  Over 80 bonnets were distributed.

Thank you to each of you! You are making a difference!



There is strong interest in another Breastfeeding Peer Counselor Training.  We are waiting until after the general elections in March to set our date for the training.

We need more Nacham Blankets as we prepare to offer a perinatal bereavement workshop in 2013.  The program is ready to be presented.

Giving Birth Lamaze Africa will offer another training event in September 2013 in Nairobi.

We are also exploring opportunities to hold training events in other countries.  I'd certainly appreciate your prayer regarding this possibility.

Please pray for this work.  Please pray for the women and children in Kenya.  Pray that in all we do God's love, mercy and compassion will be experienced by those we serve.

If you have questions or would like more information about this ministry please don't hesitate to contact me.

Happy Holidays and Blessings in 2013!!!

Jennifer CarrollComment