Sprinkles of GRACE!

These babies are ready to travel!!!

Tickets are purchased, registrations are finalized, supplies are being made and gathered and excitement is building for our September Trainings in Nairobi, Kenya!

Every step of the way is an adventure of faith.

For instance, I found the first baby model on sale in Virginia Beach, Virginia a few weeks ago.  The price was right so I began the search at Dollar General Stores across Virginia!  When I returned to Bluefield I decided to ask the manager if he could help me find 25 ethnic dolls for the training of childbirth educators in Kenya.  He was going to be away for a few days but looked the item up  and said they are discontinued.  He offered to order dolls and see if we could get them.

I decided to try another store in Princeton, Virginia. The manager there was helpful and offered to call area stores and have them hold dolls for me!  Meanwhile, my daughter arrived with two of my precious grandsons.  Pappy agreed to have some guy time with the boys while we went on a doll crawl!  This area is new for me so with my daughters phone GPS we went  from town to town collecting babies.  After the first day we had 17 dolls.

Saturday after my daughter and the boys had departed for home my AMAZING husband agreed to another day of doll searching.  It was a blast and we ended the day with 30 babies!

I share this because it wouldn't have happened without a generous donor,  helpful store managers, my daughter and her GPS, my husband and his sense of humour as well as patience, and a huge bucket of God's grace!

It may seem insignificant to many people, but those kind of everyday grace sprinkles on my life make me laugh and trust that God is really in the details of life.  Each person made an investment.  I shared this with the store manager in Bluefield.  He responded "Gee, I never think about making an impact in Bluefield, let alone Africa".  But he has and does!!!

My heart is filled with awe and joy!
Jennifer CarrollComment